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A member registered Apr 17, 2017

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This is one of the games I will buy on day one whenever it releases.  Just that old school AGS style is *chef's kiss* and the story and gameplay is magnificent.  I played this from the steam demo almost a  year ago it feels, and found it just clicking around to find new demos to try. It takes me back to Police Quest, an adventure game from ages ago. Great work all around!

Same here, I'm just trapped in the elevator trying to get to the floor I was told to go to in the cutscene

I really enjoyed it. I hope to see more added to it like more items and secret items for exploring rather than running straight to the objective. Possibly a leveling up system as well? It's a great start and it's just the right amount of time to get a feel for the game's story.

I threw "tasty" in the wrong place and got locked out from the ending

I played both versions on stream, I have to say that I liked the objective of the first draft better than the beta. I think I'm just dumb, but I actually wasn't able to get the ending lol. I did everything, I just did it in a way that I'm just stuck with nothing to do. The goal isn't straightforward at all here. OR perhaps it was a bug? Skip to the last maybe 5-10 minutes to see what I mean.

I enjoyed this little spooky game. I actually completed it 100% with all achievements.  I'm interested to see what the 2nd episode would be like because the ending is pretty open for continuation. Nice job! My only problem was a couple of spelling and grammar errors and the voice for the main character was too loud and buzzing in the mic (either too close to the mic or the levels were too high and causing a spike which led to distorted audio) Also, throughout most of the game, there's a copyright song playing and you can't turn them off because it ruins the atmosphere. Other than that it's a solid 7/10 game for a fan of horror and point-and-click games. 

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Definitely got me a few times. I love how they took something so simple as a text-based game and made it so much more immersive.

I'm absolutely loving this game. I just don't want to finish it because I don't want it to end.